Painting a mural on the border wall
We painted birds and flowers from the nations represented by people who wait along the wall as they seek asylum in the United States. Images now adorning the wall’s southern side include the dahlia from Mexico, plumeria from Nicaragua, the scarlet macaw from Honduras, the resplendent quetzal of Guatemala, chamomile from Russia, and the sunflower from Ukraine.
Two sermons on immigration by Claudio Carvalhaes
Articles about the event by Mike Ferguson of the Presbyterian News Service
Border wall art simultaneously expresses hope and resistance (11/11/2019)
Preaching and praying through the darkness of our time (11/12/2019)
The Word of God can reach us through the migrant (11/13/2019)
The dollars and cents of border enforcement (11/14/2019)
Have we lost our ability to live without fear? (11/15/2019)