By demonstrating gospel values in all that we do, Frontera de Cristo seeks to build relationships that demonstrate God’s will, and build bridges rather than walls. So many people are migrating, seeking refuge and fleeing extreme poverty and violence. Our goal is not only to address their immediate needs, but also to address the root causes of mass migration, creating safe and prosperous opportunities that allow our sisters and brothers to stay in the land they call home, if they so choose.
Through the building of community-driven partnerships with ministries and secular organizations in DouglaPrieta, we offer shelter, resources, education, emotional support, medical care, and new solutions. Our hope is that everyone we meet knows they are made in God’s image, they are worthy of respect, and they are welcome here.
Based in the sister cities of Douglas, Arizona, and Agua Prieta, Sonora, Frontera de Cristo works to build relationships and understanding across borders.
People often see borders as nothing more than division, but at Frontera de Cristo we see a place of encounter. Discerning God’s will for us, we serve migrants and community members on both sides of the border.
To support local ministries in their work to serve migrants and community members.
To establish greater understanding through relationships, trusting that hope will emerge from despair.
To love mercy, do justice,
and walk humbly with God.
Organized in 1984, Frontera de Cristo is a ministry founded upon a coalition of the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Together, both churches aim to challenge the historic precedent of how mission work is done—not as one church doing ministry to another, but as churches working together as one for the Kingdom of God.
Today, led jointly by Jocabed Gallegos and Mark Adams, Frontera de Cristo serves people through a variety of partner ministries including migrant shelters, after-school centers, community gardens, a cooperative fair trade plus coffee business, rehabilitation facilities, and more.
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